Which letter should replace the question mark?

Which letter should replace the question mark??TTFFSSENT
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Every letter is first letter of the number series in english, i.e. One, Two, Three, Four
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Its an exception. This question has two answers “O” and “E” as both are satisfying the given condition.
letter is O…..series is one two three four five six……so on..
The letter is O
Missing letter is “O”
The table contains 1st letter of English Numbers eg. One, Two, Three, Four etc.
O… it is the first letter of the numbers 1-20 i.e. 6=six=S.
Hites…you are absolutely wrong along with Shahanaz…!!!! Hehehehe… Boskey n Pravallika are right… the answer is O, which means one, t for Two..and so on…
I thought the answer is ‘E’ but after seeing Boskey’s explanation, there are possibilities for the answer ‘O’.
We can also read the letters in the boxes from One to Twenty starting letters.
Because, If you see vertical rows, there are alternative letters..
So, Answer is “E”
As o-one
Ans is ‘O’
the letter is e
Correct Ms. Shahanaz….btw Boskey and Pravallika….Can’t you even see Ist and IIIrd line are same simultaneously IInd and IVth lines are same…