Fake FIR case
Brain tingler…
One murder happens in a village and police inspector asked two constables to reach the spot and take the FIR..
As it was night and too far from the station, two constables didn’t go there and made a fake FIR..after reading the report the inspector said that you both are suspended for making a fake report with out reaching the spot.
Question is…How the inspector find that its fake and they didn’t reach there?
The FIR is written as….
When we reach the spot, the door was open and one man aged about 40 -45 was found dead in a chair, one bulb is blown in the room, fan is also switched on, one table is there in front of the dead bod, and the table contains open bottle of poison, one half filled drinking water bottle, one pen , one news paper was open as pages 9-10, One table top calendar open as date of june 20, one 5 rupee coin, one notebook, one bed was also there in the room.
Seems that the person did suicide.
Was the FIR false??any answer?
Police Inspector cannot suspend constables, hehe
1st point is about news paper can’t open pages at 9 n 10 n other thing is question itself says a man was murdered then how can dey say he committed suicide.
The question talks about ‘A murder’. The gender of the murdered person is not stated. The constables wrote that the dead body was of a man. But maybe the inspector knew that the victim was a woman.
It was a murder….n in Fir the constaples wrote suicide
Reason : There is not mentioning the poison bottle is empty so this is not a suicide. it is murder so Investigation is not fulfil. So it is a fake FIR.
Reason : There is not mentioning the poison bottle is empty so this is not a suicide. it is murder so Investigation is not fulfil. So it is a fake FIR.
Check out this line..”one table is there in front of the dead bod”.. they forget to write the “y” in the spelling of “body” not “bod”…
so jaa beta
It was night and the bulb was blown. How in the world did they so precisely see everything in the first place? They never said there was any other source of light at the crime scene.
Murder committed hai toh suicide kaise. Hope salta hai
this is the reason : One table top calendar open as date of june 20
2 points made the Police inspector sure that its a fake FIR are:
1st they mentioned newspaper which is false as 9 and 10 page nos cannot be opened at the same time.
2nd they mentioned the incident as suicide so that no further investigation can happen. Which means if Police investigation happens they will find out that the FIR is fake and the only way avoid it to make it as suicide. which made the police inspector sure that its a fake report
There is no SUCIDE NOTE even though PEN was there. How they Knew that it was a POISION Bottle and even if they do (by somehow) it must be in his hand not on the table or must be mentioned EMPTY BOTTLE.
Inspector find out that the fir is fake bcoz the constables not mentioned how he take the poison they not mention the glass to poison with water
Its said that murder occured in village no mentioning that it was in room or outside.. And murder doesnt suits with suicide its contradictory.
pages 9&10 cannot be open together as they fall on opposite sides of the paper.
News Paper page 9-10 are on two separate sides of paper.
If you go through each point mentioned in the FIR you will see that the Newspaper observation mentioned in the FIR is false.
In a Newspaper the pages open are always even-odd.
eg: 8-9 or 10-11
So the FIR cannot be true if they have mentioned that the pages open on the paper are 9-10 as they are in fact the same page on the newspaper appearing front and back.