Go through the hints in the riddle and leave your answers in the comments section.
There is a barrel with no lid and some wine in it.
“This barrel of wine is more than half full”, says Mark.
“No, it’s not”, says Steve. “It’s less than half full.”
They do not have any measuring instruments with them.
They cannot remove any wine from the Barrel
How can they determine who is correct satisfying the above conditions?
Lean the barrel to the side, if the liquid reaches the top of the barrel before it reaches the bottom edge it is more than half full. if you are able to see the bottom it is less than half full.
Posted by kinindia
Facebook Comments
Milinda Malik says
How about making a hole in the barrel at half the height of the barrel. If no wine flows out, then it can be assumed that the barrel is less than half full and if wine does flow out, then the barrel was more than half full.
Joowon says
Tilt the barrel so that the wine lines with the diagonals of the barrel. If wine flows out of the barrel, the barrel is more than half full. If not, then it isn’t half full.
This only works if we assume that the barrel is perfectly symmetrical though…
Golalaa Team says