Number Puzzle #129

1 + 1 + 1 +1 + 1
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1
1 + 1 x 0 + 1 = ?
Check your answer:-
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Was your answer 12 ? Its not correct though.
Actually there is a slight catch, if you see the image properly
it is
1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 11 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 11 + 1 x 0 + 1
i.e. 4 + 11 + 3 + 11 + 0 + 1 => 30
Facebook Comments
There is no answer because the line breaks are incorrect. Is it 1 space 1 or 11? This “trick” question is 100% fail!
Can Anyone Solve this…..
1+1+1+1+…∞=1 .
it seems impossible….but logically it it is correct….i have created it…..
I can even do 11 x 11=121 so eazy!
1 + 1 + 1 +1 + 11 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 11 +(1 x 0) + 1=30 it is eazy
Answer is 12
The answer is 2. The first two lines don’t end with a “+” sign so they are not part of a 3-line continuous equation. They also don’t have “=” signs, so they are not individual equations and cannot be solved. Only line 3 is an equation. Using MDAS (my dear Aunt Sally), the answer to line 3 is 2. Some blogs argue that the 1’s at the ends of lines 1 and 2 are really meant to hook up with the 1’s at the beginning of lines 2 and 3, making the real equation 1+1+1+1+11+1+1+1+11+1×0+1. This is faulty reasoning because, assuming the “problem” was done on a computer, the computer would not separate the number 11 between two lines.
the problem itself is confusing
Have a read of this link to find the difference between an ‘expression’ and an ‘equation’ in Maths:
so 1+1+1+1+1 is really an ‘expression’ with a value of 5.
I think we can safely justify that each line is independent of each other because there is nothing connecting them!
Technically there isn’t even a question there at all, I worked this out by assuming that we were trying to find a number to represent the ‘?’.
Hot tip: If you ever do an exam and find that a question reads “90% Fail answer?”, let the examiners know and the question will be stricken from the test, because it is grammatically nonsensical, and doesn’t actually ask you for anything, so there is no answer!
Actually, I think I’m going to update my answer to “There is no answer, because no-one even asked a question, just placed a bunch of symbols, numbers, expressions and equations in a strange configuration”.
In Maths it actually doesn’t matter if the paper is too narrow, or you intended to write a certain number. If I asked you what 8+2 was equal to, you would hopefully say 10. But if I then said, “No! I intended for that 8 to be an 11, so the answer is 13!” that would make me the one who was wrong. Unfortunately Maths doesn’t run on subjective ‘wants’, but it follows a series of objective ‘rules’. This means that when I see students writing sloppily across several lines, I tell them to neaten their work up and do it again correctly. If working out like this was seen on a test with an answer of 30 it would probably lose at least half marks depending on how strict the teacher was and if the final answer was correct.
I also thought I should address some of the comments which suggest ‘this is not Maths, it’s a puzzle, so the rules don’t apply!’ … If this is not Maths and is some other language or system based on numerals and symbols, why are people picking and choosing certain Maths rules that they would like to follow and disregarding others? Why must we use the “order of operations” rules, but ignore the rules on how to actually record and present mathematical information? Why are people ignoring rules about ‘expressions vs equations’ and just superimposing their own rules? Why are people’s phones being cited as legitimate sources of mathematical rules and procedures? I’m pretty sure last time I checked phones were not allowed in a Maths classroom.
To bring this rant to a close, I would like to address the creator of this puzzle. If you intended the “1” digits at the end and the start of each line to be connected, making two “11’s”, you have written this not only poorly but incorrectly. If you intended to actually ask a question, then back to the drawing board, because there is no question, and simply having a ‘?’ doesn’t cut it. If you intended to spark a lively mathematical discussion, then I am actually kind of impressed, because you have caused a large amount of people, with a range of abilities in Maths, discuss a wide range of mathematical processes! I use questions like these in my class sometimes to spark a lively discussion about maths too! The only problem is that on the internet, the correct information can get lost and some people may leave without having their alternative conceptions properly addressed.
Sorry this is a repost of my reply to an earlier comment, I was just really excited to discuss this puzzle so I thought I would repost it!
1+1+1+1+1 space/return would never mean that the next number is part of the previous number. “1+1+1+1+1” is a complete set that means 5
1+1 x 0 +1= 12
I guess, you can make any question that makes sense only to you. That is not a math question rather a joke..
29*0=0 wtf
Why the answer is 30 shown here
this is an ambiguous question whose result entirely depends on the person who has posted it and not on the people who wants to interpret it. There could be n number of interpretation based on others perception. so, the question is not for others but for the guy himself who has posted it. Actually its a rubbish question so guys lets not waste our time on it.
So funny, its just another ‘no answer’ question by someone who loves to see people getting into argument. There is no right no wrong answer, it depends on how u look at it. U can even do it
(1+1+1+1+1)(1+1+1+1+1)(1+1×0+1)=5x5x2=50 just saying.
This is one of those puzzles that you are damned if you do damned if you don’t. The only one who knows the “correct” answer is the person who is writing it. You could argue for the answer 12 but IMO that is the worst possible choice due to there is no equations signs to tie the first, second and third lines together.
I went with 2 since the first and second line do not have any signs after the last 1. So the only line that matters is 1+1×0+1=2.
You could argue 30 but that would mean you would have to leave all proven math knowledge behind. It would also mean you would have to discount all typing rules behind and all written rules behind. No one except the maker of this puzzle would consider that 1 and 1 on the next line is 11. If you are going to throw out proven and accepted rules then why not forget accepted math rules of PEDMAS and just do it in order 30×0+1? That would be an answer of 1.
Without the secret key of the owner of the problem it can be whatever answer you want. Anyway, I don’t think things such as this are “puzzles” since it is solved by the view of the person asking it. It could be like the question “What color is the sky?” The accepted answer is blue but in reality it can be many colors depending on when and where the person who asked it. It could also vary depending on the eyesight of the person. Colorblind people might see different colors. Day and night will give different answers, Dusk and dawn, bad and good weather etc. That is just another question that one could say AHA you are wrong if they wanted to.
You cannot split a number such as 11onto 2 lines and there is not a plus sign in between the numbers either… so the real equation is 1 +1×0 +1= which is 2 that is what makes it a trick problem… you assume that you add all 3 lines when in fact the first 2 lines are not actually part of the equation because they are not completed
This problem is the classic troll… enjoy!
For those of you too dense to realize…
This is a PUZZLE, not a normal math problem. Stop overanalyzing it and explaining how “wrong” the way it is written and just accept the fact you couldn’t solve the puzzle correctly and move on. You’re not stupid for not getting it so just chill.
And you are too dense to realize that this problem is a TROLL. An obvious troll is obvious. Hahahha!
LOL. I can solve it in like 3 seconds. But my conscience tells me this is a flawed puzzle. Puzzle is meant to exercise the brain, the intellect. And this question is insulting my intellect.
right ans is 0 i can prove… According to Rule of BODMAS 0 IS RIGHT
You are a fucking retard
You are not only ignorant of math you are a filthy potty mouth.
If you are going to say to someone “Youre a fucking retard” at least spell the sentence correctly.
You’re use of profanity tells me not to consider your opinion. You show a profound lack of consideration for others and you should not be taken seriously.
Yes the first two lines are probably meaningless. But since you can’t really tell for sure, the question has no answer.
30 ))
The answer is 30. One of the numbers in the image is deliberately separated by a line break. It’s the number 11. That way if you look at the image you see only 1’s. Then you calculate and you get an answer=12, but there’s an 11 right there, broken into 2 lines on the image. And thus 1 + 1 + 1 +1 + 11 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 1 + 1 x 0 + 1 = 30
Haha, I love how a mind teaser involving maths drives all the maths “experts” to madness when they get caught out.
Forget your equations and try typing the digits without spaces on your phone. As the digits will not all fit on one line, the phone will automatically move to the next line. Thats not a line break, or a space.
Please go back to first grade or jump off of a bridge you fucking dumb cunt
Let me guess. You are the mental midget that thought they were clever by coming up with this puzzle and are now upset that everyone is picking you apart.
LOL, This is Heights! 😀
So, the overall consensus is that the question uses flawed logic and is illegal (in a mathematics sense) as well as being structured wrong.
In short, the question sucks.
A two-digit number would never, ever be broken into separate parts in this manner in an equation; and if so, it would be incorrect, period. And if the creator of this insists that it would be this way, then the question itself is flawed because there is no axiom in mathematics that would support this structure.
It would if you typed it into a space that is not long enough for it to fit. Try typing consecutive numbers into your phone.
Also, its labelled a number puzzle, not a mathematical equation. Solve the puzzle (numbers broken into separate lines) then solve the equation.
Your phone analogy doesn’t work. You’re right, the phone number would wrap it wherever – but it doesn’t ADD the numbers, either.
You can’t have it both ways.
well you can’t add it on the screen so you have to transcribe it. Try transcribing to a calculator and tell me what answer you get. There’s no both ways, only one way.
What type of phone are you using, and where are you entering it? In a Note on a smartphone or what? Because I would like to test this.
It is not an equation until there is a = sign…so everything before the = sign is the left side of the equation, since there is no breaks to assume otherwise…but yes, splitting the number is a cheap way of setting up a puzzle
The author of this problem is retarded. there is no + sign between the lines, and only and idiot would split an 11 into two lines.
Itay is correct. The answer is two.
2. The first two lines don’t have all the necessary symbols to express a problem to be solved, nor are you allowed in mathematical typography to do a line break between two digits in a number. In other words, you can’t combine the last 1 in the first row with the first 1 in the second row and assume you’re reading an 11. That’s not allowed in typography. So the first two lines have no relationship to each other or the third and can be ignored as mathematical garbage. The third line, however, does express a complete problem to be solved, with all the necessary symbols.
Now, all you need to solve is 1 + 1 x 0 + 1 = ?
BIMDAS tells you how to solve this: Brackets, Indices, Multiplication, Division, Addition, Subtraction are the order of the operations you solve. So, the problem actually looks like this: 1 + (1 x 0) + 1 = 1 + 0 + 1 = 2.
Whhhhhhhhat now I am REALLY confused
Youre a fucking retard
What an intellectual giant you are. Insult and add nothing to the discussion such as why you came to a different conclusion. BTW if you are going to say to someone “Youre a fucking retard” at least spell the sentence correctly
I agree AntLionKing. If people have a hard time understanding how you could possibly come to that conclusion then that says it all.
Well said
Any such statement on a test, textbook or mathematical treatise breaking a line in the middle of the number would be discredited for not specifying the breakup of that number. A line should always end with an operation and leave a multidigit number intact. Therefore, the first two lines are just a distraction, and only the bottom line is a true equation, to which the answer is 2.
Sorry, but 30 is the wrong answer. If you key in exactly what is in the puzzle into any modern calculator without using brackets, it will process each operator sequentially, so the long form of the puzzle is
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 1 + 1 ) +1) +1) +11) +1) +1) +1) +11) +1) x 0) +1)
Hence the answer will therefore be (30 x 0) +1 which gives the answer 1. BIDMAS, BODMAS, call it what you like, it only applies if the brackets are already there. 1 + 2 x 3 – 4 is not the same as 1 + (2 x 3) – 4 or (1+2) x (3-4) is it? So why would it matter where the (x0) is in this puzzle?
Yes! This is how I interpreted this.
Try plugging the math into a calculator that knows how to do math. I’m not sure Windows has one of those calculators.*0%2B1
You are wrong there, 1 + 2 x 3 – 4 is the same as 1 + (2 x 3) – 4
You need to get your calculator fixed. Mine gets 30. There are no spaces.
i believe the purpose of this riddle is to learn, exercise/revisit “what makes an equation?” there MUST be an equal sign to make/have an equation. if the equal sign is absent, then it is simply an operation/”incomplete” function. this is not english composition. the only way to connect an equation or continue a line in an equation: 1+1+
1+1=4 written form the correct way to “word wrap” the number 11: ele-
ven. in no way may one apply rules of english composition MLA format to mathematic equations. if you run out of room for an equation; write the function(+,-,*, etc) last, then continue the next number on the next line…or adjust your margins LBS no offense, but i am ecstatic some of you arent professors of my children…howthever, it shows we as humans definitely have our work cut out for us. #pullupBOOTSTRAPS #getdirty
Sometime I think people are too smart for their own good. The easiest way to rationalize this is, it was typed on a narrow piece of paper. Would it make more sense to you if it was posited:
is the
the problem
you were given.
Quit making excuses because you were not observant enough to extrapolate from the facts presented.
this isnt a sheet of paper. either way to continue an equation; one must write the last function and continue the next number on the following line. otherwise it is simply a sequence of functions or operations.. 🙂 what i have observed, is that people are adding the “+” sign/function where there is none.
One cannot demand that problems be formatted to suit their world view. You correctly posit that some are adding operators where none exist; they are applying language norms for reading left to right and sentence structure to arithmetic which has no such restrictions and can be read left to right and inside out—as in this case.
To throw a tantrum because a problem isn’t formatted as one would like is juvenile and constricted thinking.
mathematics is about precision and accuracy. au contraire, math does have specific formats. example: rules for writing matrices, quadratic equations, linear equations, etc…
the puzzle sir isnt a “world” problem…it is a math problem. well, i am off to educate more minds. My “break” is up 🙂 Every one, enjoy your day!
Have a read of this link to find the difference between an ‘expression’ and an ‘equation’ in Maths:
so 1+1+1+1+1 is really an ‘expression’ with a value of 5.
I think we can safely justify that each line is independent of each other because there is nothing connecting them!
Technically there isn’t even a question there at all, I worked this out by assuming that we were trying to find a number to represent the ‘?’.
Hot tip: If you ever do an exam and find that a question reads “90% Fail answer?”, let the examiners know and the question will be stricken from the test, because it is grammatically nonsensical, and doesn’t actually ask you for anything, so there is no answer!
Actually, I think I’m going to update my answer to “There is no answer, because no-one even asked a question, just placed a bunch of symbols, numbers, expressions and equations in a strange configuration”.
For the record, the two examples you provided do equal 30 as far as I can tell, but the original question is different to what you have posted. In Maths it actually doesn’t matter if the paper is too narrow, or you intended to write a certain number. If I asked you what 8+2 was equal to, you would hopefully say 10. But if I then said, “No! I intended for that 8 to be a 2, so the answer is 4!” that would make me the one who was wrong. Unfortunately Maths doesn’t run on subjective ‘wants’, but it follows a series of objective ‘rules’. This means that when I see students writing sloppily across several lines, I tell them to neaten their work up and do it again correctly. If working out like this was seen on a test with an answer of 30 it would probably lose at least half marks depending on how strict the teacher was and if the final answer was correct.
Unrelated to your comment, but I also thought I should address some of the comments which suggest ‘this is not Maths, it’s a puzzle, so the rules don’t apply!’ … If this is not Maths and is some other language or system based on numerals and symbols, why are people picking and choosing certain Maths rules that they would like to follow and disregarding others? Why must we use the “order of operations” rules, but ignore the rules on how to actually record and present mathematical information? Why are people ignoring rules about ‘expressions vs equations’ and just superimposing their own rules? Why are people’s phones being cited as legitimate sources of mathematical rules and procedures? I’m pretty sure last time I checked phones were not allowed in a Maths classroom.
To bring this rant to a close, I would like to address the creator of this puzzle. If you intended the “1” digits at the end and the start of each line to be connected, making two “11’s”, you have written this not only poorly but incorrectly. If you intended to actually ask a question, then back to the drawing board, because there is no question, and simply having a ‘?’ doesn’t cut it. If you intended to spark a lively mathematical discussion, then I am actually kind of impressed, because you have caused a large amount of people, with a range of abilities in Maths, discuss a wide range of mathematical processes! I use questions like these in my class sometimes to spark a lively discussion about maths too! The only problem is that on the internet, the correct information can get lost and some people may leave without having their alternative conceptions properly addressed.
The equation is incorrect as written. You do not separate digits within a number by a line beak.
Its not written, its typed into a space thats not long enough.
Then you split on the + sign.
When typing wor
ds you d
on’t pu
t part o
f a w
ord on o
ne line an
d the other part on another line without a hyphen; since hyphen in math would be a subtract you have to split on the +.
or if you have even less space:
You can specify what type of word break to do, and actually break the word, which would cause an 11 to break in half, and not all programs will hyphenate words that were broken up by wordwrapping.
This is maths, not typing class or computer class. You do not perform a line break in between a 2-digit in maths. Believe me, I am Asian.
This is a puzzle, not a simple math problem. That’s why it’s on a website called “Puzzlers World”. If the creators of the puzzle say the answer is 30, then that’s the answer. Believe me, I can read.
Believe me, the creator has flawed logic; especially Maths logic. Flawed Maths education. You can line break wherever you want with words, but not numbers unless it does not involve calculation.
The puzzle was made this way to screw with people that can’t help but argue that the math is invalid. The puzzle is to simply answer it as a one line problem. That’s why it never asks you to “solve” it. It simply asks for the answer. It was never stated that in its current form that it was a valid equation. Call it flawed logic if you want, but that doesn’t make your answer correct. Until you stop identifying it as a math problem and start identifying it as a puzzle, you’ll never get the right answer.
If you are not going to identify it as a maths problem, then how can you find the answer? By dreaming? Ouija board? Everytime counting is involved, it is a Maths problem. I get 30 in a matter of seconds, but this is not the point. The point is that this puzzle is promoting flawed logic. If you are to solve this puzzle logically without taking in to account of maths rules of designing an equation, then we can say the answer is 12. You add the first line together. Add the second line together. Add the third line together. And then sum up the three lines. Oops. Line 3 must use BODMAS maths rule, but you are gonna ignore it anyhow because you dont identify this as a maths problem.. So maybe your answer’s 11 if u did it this way. My point of view is that the answer is two. The first two lines does not represent an equation. Only the third one did.
I also went with 2 and for the same reason. The reason I am here is because one of my college classes asked this problem as a “critical thinking” activity and said my answer of 2 was wrong. Others gave answers of 11, 12, 1. He said they were all wrong so I decided to do some research since I already put my 2 cents in and gave a lengthy explanation on how I came to that conclusion. My arguments have been almost identical to yours.
🙂 I love it, thanks for the LOL
But it still counts, Believe me, I am Indian
Oh shoot i’m sorry. I didn’t get what you mean on the first time. When i re-read it I understood what you meant
I agree. This question, I would not call it a puzzle, was presented by someone flunked in simple math, humiliated by his peers. Now he just wants to comfort himself that he is not alone. Question should actually be called “can you spot my mistakes?”
Remember folks, there are no spaces in math! that’s why it’s 1+1+1+1+11+1+1+1+11+(1×0)+1= 30!
any number multiplied by 0 = 0 + 1 = 1…. there could be 11,000 1’s but if you multiply by 0 it equals 0…..
You are forgetting operator precedence; Multiplication before addition. 1×0 must be performed before any addition.
its no math puzzle rather a number puzzle.. see the category it comes under.. I go with answer 30
Multiplication is first moron
So then it COUNDNT be 30, eh, bright boy?
OK I see now how people are coming up with 30: 1+1+1+1+11+1+1+1+11+1*0+1=30 the two lines that contain ones on the end do not end in a plus sign so I see where they get 11 from but still nothing in this that tells me we need to solve as an algebraic problem but I am happy to learn from reading what other people are pinpointing out. I really thought the people saying 30 was crazy and coming up with 11 but Ahhh I see now…
Algebra or arithmetic it’s still mathematics and the answer is the same.
Yea I see now but at first I did not. The agreed upon rules of order of operations is an acceptable rule by all who is interested in doing real math. If you think you can ignore order of operations then do not become a bridge designer or work for NASA because someone’s life will be at stake haha..
Another thought.. what if you did not see this math problem written out and was asked to preform the math by hearing it? If so as the math was being given to you from left to right you would at first be adding 1 by 1 at a time. As you got to the last 1 before times Zero you would have calculated 12. then if you heard times zero you would say anything times zero is zero and then zero plus 1 is 1..
The fact is we do see it written out and we just are not sure what the intent of the creator was. We are left in the dark only with our imaginations to guide us..
No imagination (although it is in large supply here.) Math has rules. You can read it right to left, left to right or inside out (the correct way here,) and the answer is still 30.
Whoo Wait?? U mean u believe the answer is 30? A few people say you cannot just word wrap a number but I do not have enough math knowledge to confrim or deny it. I would just say it seems wrong to do it that way.. Quick! someone go contact professor John Lenox he will end this debate now ..hehehe
you can’t word wrap numbers!! the first two lines, as written, have no meaning! The only line that represents a mathematical problem is the last line and therefore the answer is 2!!
The problem as I see it is, We are not told if this problem is to be solved as an Algebraic expression which we would solve by multiplication first from left to right or solve this as a straight forward linear left to right basic math problem.
We are thus left to assume whatever our minds tell us.. For those in basic math not yet into algebra that answer is one way to those who are studying algebra and minds are on algebra they see it as an algebraic problem.
This is an abstract problem because the person who set it up did not tell us what the expected form they wanted us to solve it in..
You have mathematical operators and an equal sign. What more do you need to be told? It is an equation. Solve for X.
math is math; order of operations is always followed. multiplication & division first, followed by addition & subtraction!
You are a fucking retard. Learn to read mathematic equations. You can make rules on where things are written. It is clear that the image is called an equation, there fore you are a fucking RETARD.
I can read equations just fine and there never broken up that way you stupid rag headed pig fucker. Go outside and get your ass beat again instead of sitting inside on computer all taking shit shit online you pussy.
Awwww Rob show us on the math doll where the + sign touched you. I don’t think I have seen anyone add less to a discussion
Can I just say that as somebody who taught mathematics this puzzle is NOT helping to promote mathematical understanding and should be removed from the site.
The first two lines are statements and the third line is an equation of which the answer is 2. Your answer of 30 shows that you should have a better editorial if you are to allow anyone to submit questions.
Anything else is promoting ignorance in our society as opposed to helping educate people.
Your disappointedly,
Peter Rogers
You haven’t seen many of the puzzles from this web page, this is by no means the most absurd puzzle. They are puzzles more than math problems.
nothing puzzling about this to me…for me, it was pretty straight forward reading comprehension and basic order of operations math…there are no instructions, written or symbolized, to connect the first line with the second and/or the second line with the third line…each stand alone…and the only line that is an equation is the third line which equals 2.
You are assuming that the first 2 lines are not connected to the 3rd as one long line in a math series. Maybe it was written out like that to save space but meant to be all connected. If not and like you say not connected then I agree the answer would not include any of the sums in the first two lines.
So let’s take this line 1 + 1 x 0 + 1 = ? we still cannot conclude with certainty unless we are told this needs to be solved as an algebraic equation. If written out like this 1 + (1 x 0) + 1 = ? then we can say that the parenthesis is a clue this is algebraic and the answer would be 2 otherwise the answer could be 1 if it is a basic left to right math problem.
i made no assumptions…it gives no indication that line 1 is connected to line 2 or that line 2 is connected to line 3. just like word problems will frequently contain information not relevant to the equation. the information in the top two lines are not part of an equation. algebraic or not, the sum of 1 + 1 x 0 + 1 = 2, as even basic math includes the order of operations so even in the absence of parentheses, you do the multiplication/division before you add/subtract.
Hmmm then all I can say the person who wrote this did a bad job at writing a legit mathematical equation out but if anything… this still has a way of teaching us a lesson in logic which made people use their minds to solve this.
About order of operations yes we set a standard or an agreed upon rule to fellow so all people can come to same conclusions when doing math even tho in one math book I had did not do the rule of operations but in general that is the good practice so I no longer hold the idea that a math equation must first state to do it algebraic wise. We must always assume to fellow the rule of order of operations. So if the person who set this up did not intend us to fellow it he is a numbskull lol
Look up the terms: order of precedence, mathematical order, precedence of mathematic operators.
There is no such thing as basic math, the same rules apply to 2 +2=? that apply to calc and trig.
Always multiply before addition, ALWAYS
wrong; no matter how the equation is written math has rules, and the multiplication is ALWAYS done first!!
Yes I see what you are saying, but is it divided up in 3 lines purposely to trick or in 3 rows to save space? This we not know since we not know the mind who created this.
What if this was written out as one long straight line would we conclude a different answer based on some agreed law of mathematics? I am for sure confused. I am no expert at math.
If you are an educator, I fear for our children. If you were reading an adding machine tape would you have the same excuse?
The reason this is a puzzle is it exposes closed and inflexible minds who are unable to think other than by rote.
“1+1+1+1+1” is a statement? Of what? How can you justify that each line is independent of the other?
That is because you assumed that you know about math and teaching more than those that spend their lives perfecting this art.
Following basic mathematics rules a single equation split on multiple lines MUST be split on operator (+, -, = etc.) Mathematics is an absolute language that REQUIRES rules and an ability to read the same equations int he same manner all around the world.
Such problems create a false belief of accuracy and we see more and more young minds twisting rules, equations and redefining the basic math rules that they do not even understand.
30 as 1 + 1 + 1 +1 + 11 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 11 +(1 x 0) + 1
30 as 1 + 1 + 1 +1 + 11 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 11 + 1 x 0 + 1