Number Puzzle #154
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If 817 = 7
909 = 9
453 = 3
Then what is 1246 = ?
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its the sum of all digits in the number till you get single digit
so 1+2+4+6 => 13 => 4
so 1+2+4+6 => 13 => 4
This puzzle is courtesy pranav, shared on whatsapp
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these kind of puzzles are making a mockery of number theory
Students will be better served by learning number theory starting from 1st principles and then exploring applications
i agree
these kind of puzzles are making a mockery of number theory
Students will be better served by learning number theory starting from 1st principles and then exploring applications
The Answer is 4
The Answer is 4.
817 8+1+7=16 1+6=7
909 9+0+9=18 1+8=9
453 4+5+3=12 1+2=3
so, 1246 1+2+4+6=13 1+3=4
But the answer is 6, if the problem is “What is the last digit in this number?”