I have $50 with me, here is the summary of my spent and balance amount
Spend Balance
20/- 30/-
15/- 15/-
9/- 6/-
6/- 0/-
50/- 51/-
Now, How can the total amount be 50 for one column and 51 for another.
From where this extra one dollar came ?
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Actually there is no comparison of sum of spent amount and sum of remaining amount. To make it easy to explain, lets say we spend $1 each time thus total spend becomes $50 while if we sum the balance amount i.e. 49 + 48 + 47 …….+1, it will be a very large number than $50.
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Simplest answer is Maths does not allow us to add balances. You receive 100 dollar as pay on 1st of a month and by 30th of the month you have spent 100 dollars. Can the amount spent be equal to the balance which will be ZERO at the end of the month. Please give me a job in which whatever amount i spent the whole month and in the end of the month i have same amount balance left with me instead of Zero. I hope you people get my point.
simple answer is you can’t add balance
lets suppose you spend 1, 1, 1, 1, dollar so you can’t add remaining balance like 49+48+47+46+45..
Total of 50.What if you spend 20 dollars left with 30 spend 16 left and with 14 spend 8 left with 6 spend 6 left with 0. If you add 20+16+8+6=50 which is the one that is spend and balance of 30+14+6+0=50
I cant understand
Spend total = total amount but balance total need not to be equals to the total amount.
Same 50$ can be spent as following:
20/-……. 30/-
10/-……. 20/-
10/-……. 10/-
6/-………. 4/-
50/-……. 64/-