Number Puzzle #117
If one person can eat 1 roti in one minute, then how many roti’s can 10 person eat in 10 minutes?
–In Hindi–
Ek adhmi ek minute may ek roti kaa saktha hai tho duss admai duss minute may kitne roti kaa sakthe hai?
Check your answer:-
Solution: How many rotis
answer will not be 10 🙂
if one person can eat 1 roti in 1 minute
then the same person can eat 10 roti’s in 10 minutes
thus, 10 persons can eat 10*10 roti’s in 10 minutes.
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Hi…i have a question…Please any one answer this question
assume like Person-A and Person-B friends….
Person-A = no maney
Person-B = has Rs 50.00
Person-A Person-B
0 50.00 ‘ here A is having 0.00 & B is having 50.00
20.00 30.00 ‘ A taken money to B is Rs. 20.00,so A is having Rs.20.00 remaining B is having Rs.30.00
15.00 15.00 ‘ again A is taken money to B is Rs.15.00,so A is having Rs.15.00 remaining B is having Rs.15.00
09.00 06.00 ‘ again A is taken money to B is Rs. 09.00, So A is having Rs. 09.00 & B is having Rs. 06.00
06.00 00.00 ‘again A is taken money to B is Rs.06.00, So is having Rs.06.00 and Finally Bis having Rs.0.00
50.00 51.00 ‘ but here the problem is if we count in reverse way… A is having Rs.50.00 and B is having Rs.51.00….how B is having extra Rs.1
10*10 = 100(breads)
answer = 100