Number Puzzle #64
What will be the next number in the series?

Next number in series 1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221
Check your answer:- Hint: If you really need
Next number is : 312211, Now can you guess the next number?
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Here we need to count the number of individual digits, how many 1’s, how many 2’s etc.
for example
1 => one 1 => 11
11 => two 1 => 21
21 => one 2 one 1 => 1211
Thus to get 5th number in the series
111221 => three 1 two 2 one 1 => 312211
And to get the sixth number in the series
312211 => one 3 one 1 two 2 two 1=> 13112221
for example
1 => one 1 => 11
11 => two 1 => 21
21 => one 2 one 1 => 1211
Thus to get 5th number in the series
111221 => three 1 two 2 one 1 => 312211
And to get the sixth number in the series
312211 => one 3 one 1 two 2 two 1=> 13112221
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