if 532=1561028, 641=244630, 785=564035123 then 821=?

if 532=1561028, 641=244630, 785=564035123 then 821=?
Check your answer:-
Click here to See Solutionhere the logic is
R1 = first digit * second digit
R2 = second digit * third digit
R3 = third digit * first digit
so final number is
R1R2R3(R1+R2+R3 – second digit)
for 532=1561028
R1 => 5*3 = 15
R2 = 3*2 = 6
R3 = 2*5 = 10
final number = 15610(15+6+10-3) => 1561028
same logic is true for new two numbers as well
by the same logic for 821
R1 = 8*2 = 16
R2 = 2*1 = 2
R3 = 1*8 = 8
final number 1628(16+2+8-2) => 162824
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