1.) How many triangles do you see in this picture ? … [Continue reading]
1.) How many triangles do you see in this picture ? … [Continue reading]
1.) How many triangles are there in this picture ? … [Continue reading]
1.) How many squares are in this picture ? 2.) How many squares are in this picture ? … [Continue reading]
Count the number of circles in the image below. … [Continue reading]
Q1) int a[10[15]; char b[10[15]; What will be the location of a[3][4], if base location a[0][0] is ox1000? What will be the location b[3][4], if base location b[0][0] is ox2000? Q2) How can the unary operator ++ be overloaded in C++ for … [Continue reading]
1.) How many triangles are in this picture ? 2.) How many triangles are in this picture ? … [Continue reading]
These are the few pointer i made while i myself was preparing for C/C++ interviews. You might want to get these facts right into your mind as well, beware you might be asked some question based on these facts in the interview. Please do comment … [Continue reading]
Q1) How many faces in above picture ? Q2) Can you list down the names of those freedom fighters? … [Continue reading]
11 Objective type interview questions on C/C++ with answers - Part 6 Before you start:- You can check your answer by filling a,b,c,d or e in the text box. You can get the answer by clicking Give Up Button. Give your best shot before … [Continue reading]
Designing a good logo is not a simple task and requires a lot of involvement from the marketing team and the design agency. It requires clear idea about the concept and values of the brand as well as understanding of the consumer or target group as … [Continue reading]