I come in darkness, though not always at night. To some I bring joy, to others I bring fright What am i? … [Continue reading]
HTML Escape | Escape Characters
I cam across HTML escaping/unscaping problem while i was writing a post with xml code to be displayed, then i did some research on HTML Escape. I also created a Html Escape/Unscape tool. Thought of sharing with you. hope it helps … [Continue reading]
Rearrange the letters
Rearrange the letters in new door to make one word. … [Continue reading]
What king can you make if you take
What king can you make if you take, the head of a lamb, the middle of a pig, the hind of a buffalo, and the tail of a dragon? … [Continue reading]
Before you start development on magento

I have wasted my lot of time while developing on magento. its only because i was not following some basic things needed before you start development on magento. In my opinion if you follow these 4 tips you should be okay! [break][/break] 1.) … [Continue reading]
8 Steps guide on How to create Magento module
This is one of my first article in the series of How to's in magento. But before you actually start any development on magento you must follow these guidelines. Step 1: First create a magento module xml file ( … [Continue reading]
Confusing one!
Q1. Which is the first question where c) is the correct answer a) Q3 b) Q4 c) Q1 d) Q2 Q2. Which is the first question where a) is the correct answer a) Q4 b) Q2 c) Q3 d) Q1 Q3. Which is the first question where d) is the … [Continue reading]
River crossing – the harder one
A dysfunctional family has to cross the river. On one side of the river are a mom and 2 daughters, dad and 2 sons, the maid and the dog. There is a boat only big enough to hold 2 people (counting the dog as 1 person). Only the adults are capable of … [Continue reading]
Defective coins
We have 10 bags of 1 Rupee coins. One bag contains all the defective coins, the weight of each coin in that bag is 1 gram lesser than the weight of a normal 1 Rupee coin. You have a spring balance, which tells the exact weight. After how many minimum … [Continue reading]
Hats and IIT students
Nine IITians were sitting in a classroom. Their prof wanted to test them. One day he told all of his 9 students that he has 9 hats, colored either in red or black. He also added that he has at least one hat with red color and the no. of black hats is … [Continue reading]