Ibrahim's mom has four sons, the first's name is monday, the second's name is tuesday, the third's name is wednesday, WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE FOURTH SON? … [Continue reading]
Ibrahim's mom has four sons, the first's name is monday, the second's name is tuesday, the third's name is wednesday, WHAT IS THE NAME OF THE FOURTH SON? … [Continue reading]
What occurs twice in a week, once in a year but never in a day ? … [Continue reading]
grow in trees, eat living things but have no teeth and give birth to something that looks nothing like me. What am I? ANSWER : FOUR LETTERS, ONE WORD … [Continue reading]
Dhoni is now two fifth of his older brother's age and two years from now he will be half of his older brother's age. Two years ago, dhoni was only one-fourth the age of his older brother age at that time. How old is dhoni now ? Check your … [Continue reading]
Can you find the mistake in above picture ? … [Continue reading]
You have a basket of Oranges You gave your mom half of them and half an orange then, you gave your dad half of whats left & half an orange, Finally you gave your sister half of whats left & half an orange and the basket became … [Continue reading]
There are ten birds on a branch. and you shot one bird. how many birds are left on the branch? … [Continue reading]
Scott dropped his mitten in the snow, walked a kilometer west, looked down, and there in the snow was the mitten he had dropped. He picked it up, turned left, walked 159 meters, stopped, and found himself facing north. Where on Earth is Scott? … [Continue reading]
I cashed a check By mistake the cashier gave me cents instead of dollars and dollars instead of cents. I spent five cents on the way home, and then discovered that i possessed exactly twice the amount of the check. What was the exact amount on the … [Continue reading]
Hope Your Birthday is ... Can you figure out the message in the picture ? … [Continue reading]