Guess these 14 actors names from whatsapp emoticons … [Continue reading]
Guess these 14 actors names from whatsapp emoticons … [Continue reading]
Guess these 13 IT company names from whatsapp emoticons … [Continue reading]
3 runs required in 2 balls to win with only one wicket left. The batsman is on 98 and the non striker is on 97. How will both batsman score centuries as well as win the match? cricket luvers if you are really genius and you have the knowldge … [Continue reading]
Guess these 11 heroines names from whatsapp emoticons … [Continue reading]
9 word letter... 123 is a city name... 567 is a star name... 6789 is a god name... what is the word? … [Continue reading]
Guess this tamil song from the picture … [Continue reading]
Where is this guy looking illusion … [Continue reading]
Guess these 15 tamil poet names from whatsapp empticons … [Continue reading]
Can you read the words in the picture ? … [Continue reading]
Solve this. There are a few Indian States and cities. 1? Green gate 2? Kings coat 3? Snake land 4? Elephant night 5? Large state 6? Mom's maid 7? Do acting ?????? Genius people dimag lagao … [Continue reading]