Check your answer:- … [Continue reading]
Check your answer:- … [Continue reading]
Crack the below question Mr. Mark went to the Market with his Dog.. He rode on a horse to the Market, Yet Walked... The horse's name was victory and dog was from south africa. What is the Name of the Dog that went to the Market?? … [Continue reading]
Guess these 30 akshay kumar movie names from whatsapp emoticons, smileys and symbols puzzle … [Continue reading]
Hum roz khate hai 1 saeeedesh 2 bdeusjgher. 3 hjtdesukv 4 hiresfrenvd 5 grgrtewvcd Rearrange!!! … [Continue reading]
Guess these 24 English movies names from whatsapp emoticons, smileys and symbols … [Continue reading]
Guess the names of these 14 Gujarati farsaan / nashta / breakfast from whatsapp emoticons, smileys and symbols … [Continue reading]
If I give you 4 tablets which contain 2 for fever and 2 for cold..all 4 have same size, shape and color, No cover. You have to take 1 cold and 1 fever tablet right now..How will you choose correctly? … [Continue reading]
Khridne Par Kala Jalane par Laal Fenkne par Safed Btao kya hai? … [Continue reading]
Kala Ghoda Safed ki sawari Ek utra to dusre ki bari? … [Continue reading]