Guess the Sindhi Dishes from whatsapp emoticons, smileys, signs and symbols This puzzle is courtsey HARSHA TALREJA, shared via WhatsApp. … [Continue reading]
Guess the Sindhi Dishes from whatsapp emoticons, smileys, signs and symbols This puzzle is courtsey HARSHA TALREJA, shared via WhatsApp. … [Continue reading]
I live in water. If u cut my head, i am at your door. If u cut my tail, i am a fruit. If you cut both, i am with you. What am i ? … [Continue reading]
Number Puzzle #76 I have Rs.20, I want to purchase 20 animals in Rs.20 Animals are as follows 1. Monkey-50 paise 2. Donkey-25 paise 3. Goat-4 rupees. Can you help me finish my money and purchase animals? You need to buy atleast one of all … [Continue reading]
Guess the areas of bengaluru from WhatsApp emoticons, smileys, signs and symbols … [Continue reading]
Identify Malayalam actor/actress names from whatsapp emoticons, smileys, signs and symbols … [Continue reading]
Complete this 7 letter word _ T _ A _S_ Clues: Girls love it. Boys use it. Parents hate it. Animals are scared of it. … [Continue reading]
There are 10 black socks and 10 white socks in a drawer. Now you have to go out wearing your shoes. So how many maximum number of times you need to remove the sock from drawer so that you can go out? You can remove only 1 sock at a … [Continue reading]
Identify places from Whatsapp emoticons, smileys, symbols and signs … [Continue reading]
by Hima 7 Comments
Identify the places in Kerala with the Whatsapp emoticons clues given below … [Continue reading]
It's CHALLENGE 4 U ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is one thing which we see daily, correct the spelling. Dysmoemgjiahna … [Continue reading]