Guess Vilian names from whatsapp emotiocns, signs and smileys … [Continue reading]
Guess Vilian names from whatsapp emotiocns, signs and smileys … [Continue reading]
by Rohan 2 Comments
"_ o _ d _ a _ i _ s " Its a 10 letter word. Lovers love it. friends need it Life starts with it life ends with it. Then fill and tell the word? … [Continue reading]
Number Puzzle #68 Check your answer:- … [Continue reading]
Guess these Gujarati kahavats from whatsapp emoticons, signs and smileys Upar apeli 10 gujarai kehvato kai chhe te ukelo.. … [Continue reading]
Guess these actor names from whatsapp emoticons, signs and smileys … [Continue reading]
Number Puzzle #67 … [Continue reading]
If 3 men are illiterate one is deaf one is blind one is dumb. blind's wife kidnapped by deaf than how will the dumb tell this to blind? … [Continue reading]
Name the thing which is 2Kg if dry 1Kg if wet And, 3Kg if burnt -- In Hindi -- Is swaal ka jwaab de dia to hm aapko whtsapp king kahenge. Q-ek chij aeisi hai jo sukhi ho to 2kg. gili ho to 1kg. or jal jae to 3kg. its challenge for u … [Continue reading]
Guess this Killer Hindi Song … [Continue reading]
There are seven thieves, They steal diamonds from a diamond merchant and run away in jungle. While running, night sets in and they decide to rest in the jungle When everybody's sleeping, two of the best friends get up and decide to distribute the … [Continue reading]