Can you guess these Nursery Rhymes from whatsapp emoticons, smileys and symbols ? Lets see how much you remember :) … [Continue reading]
Can you guess these Nursery Rhymes from whatsapp emoticons, smileys and symbols ? Lets see how much you remember :) … [Continue reading]
There are two bottles of 10 liter; each completely filled with water. Now 2 persons having empty bottles of 4 liter and 5 liter want to take 2-2 liters of water. You can use only these 4 bottles (10 liter-full, 10 liter-full, 5 liter-empty, 4 … [Continue reading]
how many words can you find? Each word must contain the central B and no letter can be used twice, however, the letters do not have to be connected. Proper nouns are not allowed, however, plurals are. … [Continue reading]
Guess these famous persons names from whatsapp emoticons, smileys and symbols This puzzle is courtesy sushil singal, shared on whatsapp … [Continue reading]
Guess these shampoo names from whatsapp emoticons and smileys … [Continue reading]
There are n bulbs in a circle, each bulb has one switch associated with it, on operating the switch, it toggles the state of the corresponding bulb as well as two bulbs adjacent to that one. Given all bulbs are in off state initially, give a plan to … [Continue reading]
Guess country names from whatsapp emoticons, smileys and symbols … [Continue reading]
Guess these three movie names from whatsapp emoticons, symbols and smileys … [Continue reading]
There is a 4 digit card number, 4th digit is double of 1st digit, 2nd n 3rd digits are same, And last digits together are double of first two digits Can you guess the car number? Check your answer:- … [Continue reading]
Guess these indian city names from whatsapp emoticons and smileys … [Continue reading]