Guess these food items and drinks names from whatsapp emoticons and smileys … [Continue reading]
Guess these food items and drinks names from whatsapp emoticons and smileys … [Continue reading]
These numbers make 200 by summing them all: 2 + 6+ 10+ 14 + 18 + 22 + 26+ 30+ 34 + 38 = 200 Can you take any 5 numbers out of these which adds up to 100? … [Continue reading]
Guess the names of the famouns indian mythology book MAHABHARATA characters names from whatsapp emoticons and smileys … [Continue reading]
Correct the spelling challenge. Can you make the correct word from these jumbled words below, we see these words almost daily. Libngdsiu Evtlesnioi Miet Boilme Ishtr Agdrne Solhoc sjdmai Tsere Yclecs Neplci … [Continue reading]
Guess country names from whatsapp emoticons and smileys … [Continue reading]
Collection of these 6 very interesting riddles Who's birthday does not came every year? What does not get dry in sunlight, it even grows? Which fruit is sweet but still not available for sale in market? What brakes as soon as you name … [Continue reading]
For all Shahrukh Khan fans Guess Shahrukh Khan movie names from whatsapp emoticons and smileys … [Continue reading]
Guess Hindi Movie Dialogues from whatsapp emoticons and smileys … [Continue reading]
Check your answer:- … [Continue reading]
Guess These phone brand names from whatsapp emoticons and smileys … [Continue reading]