Average Age Puzzle Average age of a 10 members committee is same as it was 4 years ago, because an old member is replaced by a younger member. What is difference between the younger member and the old member age. Or in other words, how younger he … [Continue reading]
9 digit number #46
9 digit number puzzle There is a 9 digit number. No digit are repeated and rightmost digit is divisible by 1 and right 2 digits is divisible by 2, right 3 digits is divisible by 3 and so on, finally the whole number is divisible by 9. Can you … [Continue reading]
Manage Your Energey Solution: Google codejam 2013 Round 1A
Most of us are familiar with google codejam, those who don't visit https://code.google.com/codejam for more information. This is the first problem from Online Round 1A 2013, top 1000 from this round will be eligible for next online round. Problem … [Continue reading]
Bullseye Solution: Google codejam 2013 Round 1A

Most of us are familiar with google codejam, those who don't visit https://code.google.com/codejam for more information. This is the first problem from Online Round 1A 2013, top 1000 from this round will be eligible for next online … [Continue reading]
Girl name in the car
Coins and sandwiches
Three friends A, B and C went on a trip. A didn’t carry any food with him but had 13 Coins. B had 6 sandwiches, and C had 7 sandwiches with him (Total 13 Sandwiches). They decided to share the food equally and in return A would give away all 13 … [Continue reading]
Number Puzzle #40

Check your answer:- … [Continue reading]
Guess the room number

It was the first day of our second semester and we were looking for our hostel room numbers allotted, we saw that one of our friend was already allotted the room number last night and he challenged us to guess his new room number. We gave following … [Continue reading]
Shopkeeper and duplicate note

A very simple but confusing puzzle. A lady buys goods worth Rs.200 from a shop. (shopkeeper is selling the goods with zero profit). The lady gives him Rs.1000 note. The shopkeeper gets the change from the next shop and keeps Rs.200 for … [Continue reading]
Inverted cards puzzle

One fine day, Santa and banta were playing cards, but suddenly power went off and they were getting bored. So santa randomly inverted position of 10 cards out of 52 cards(and shuffled it) and asked banta to divide the card in two pile … [Continue reading]
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