Use your brain to prevent Alzheimer’s disease and do a small test
Alzheimer’s disease is a brain functioning related disease and here is a small test to see if your brain is working fine 🙂
There are one butterfly, a bat and a duck in the picture, can you find them?
If you don’t find any, it means that you are old and mind degenerative. 😨
If You can only find one, that means you have stepped into old age.
You can rest assured that you are OK if you find two.
If you find all 3, you are very healthy.
Checkout the BAT, DUCK and BUTTERFLY in this image
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My husband was diagnosed with early stage Alzheimer’s and early stage Huntington’s disease. He is aware of what is going on some of the time but he refuses to bathe or do any of the things the doctors tell him. He could hardly get around because all he does is sit in front of the TV all day. He refuses to go for a walk or to a senior center and he refuses to bathe. I was beside myself as we cannot go anywhere when he is dirty and stinks. I didn’t know what to do, I could not physically overpower him and make him do things and when I ask him he tells me I am not his boss. There has been little if any progress in finding a reliable treatment. His Primary care provider introduced me to Kycuyu Health Clinic and their amazing Herbal treatments. The treatment is a miracle. the disease is totally under control. No case of delusion, disorientation, forgetfulness, making things up, hallucination, Muscle weakness, jumbled speech, loss of appetite or confusion in the evening hours.
bat is in between the boy and girl
duck is near the dog’s leg
butterfly is in the tree