
how many squares are in this picture
There are total of 40 squares.
Let’s assume the smallest square side is 0.5cm in length.
Now count the squares with different length :-
0.5cm : 8
1cm : 16 +2(in the middle)
2cm : 9
3cm : 4
4cm : 1
Total : 40

how many squares in this picture
Lets count…
Squares with side length equal to 1 matchstick: 9
Squares with side length equal to 2 matchsticks: 5(2+1+2)
Square with side length equal to 3 matchsticks: 1 (This is difficult to find, and easy to miss)
Square with side length equal to 4 matchsticks: 1 (Everybody knows)
So total number of squares : 16
This image(courtsey Charles on facebook) explains it all:-

How many squares matchstick solution
3.) How many squares are in this picture ?

how many squares do you see in this picture
Lets count !!
Assuming smallest square side is 1 cm, then
Number of squares with side 1 cm: 12 (remember not to count middle 4 squares twice)
Number of squares with side 2 cm: 5 (remember not to count middle squares twice)
So Total number of squares is 17

how many squares do you see in this picture
Lets count !!
Assuming smallest square side is 1 cm, then
Number of squares with side 1 cm: 16
Number of squares with side 2 cm: 9
Number of squares with side 3 cm: 4
Number of squares with side 4 cm: 1
So Total number of squares is 30.
general formula to calculate square is =m(m+1)(2m+1)/6. ;
according to formula
total squares in 4*4 grid = 30
total squares in 2*2 grid = 5
two grids of 2*2 ie = 5*2 =10
total squares is 30+10= 40 squares
I said the same thing as Troy but the match sticks is an analogy. I still don’t agree because I get 58. You are using the thickness of the ink and I’m using the space also as a white line hence, the framing has squares. In reality when making a square you have to cut the boards at 45 degree angles in order to make a square house or frame. If the ink doesn’t overlap then you don’t have a square picture to see. As in the match sticks, that is not a good analogy because of shape differences. A square is a square, play fair.
This is not in realty…its in the illusion and assumption tht ea match is touchong the others to form a square. U must forget about the bulbous end and white spaces in between .
Come on guy. .this puzzle wasmt made by a genius for geniuses to solve and i rhink thts become quite apparent.
U too r over thinking this simple matchstick on the table game:)
https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151268708404856&set=a.10150299953519856.334222.504669855&type=1&theater This shows me figuring it out…16
@facebook-504669855:disqus Thanks, nice explanation
Puzzel # 2 is 17
Squares with side length equal to 2 matchsticks: 6
Nice try.. I’ll mail you a cheque for $1,000 if you can tell me where the 6 2×2 squares are….
2 x 2 squares…
one in each corner / quarter (4)
one dead center (1)
one top right (1)
Mail check to… 😉
Your a moron you counted the one in the top right corner twice
Right Jamie, this I realized but thanks for pointing it out. Do you not see my post above?
Blush, I counted the top right one twice.
16 it is
wheres the extra 1?
I don’t think it is 16, because if they are not square, same size on all four sides, that is a rectangle. I answered 9, but could possibly be 10 if they count the whole puzzle as 1 square.
16 is correct
If you’re talking about the second question, it is 16. The one I had trouble finding was on the bottom left. Count from the bottom up 3 match sticks, go 3 to the right, then 3 down. That was #16 for me.
I don’t think you’re doing it right.. 16 is correct
No.2. your answer is wrong as the only square there is the outline around the pile of matches. Definition of a square! 2 dimensional shape with 4 sides of equal length AND 4 CORNERS of equal angle(90*). Therefore because 1. none of the matches are touching and 2. the small bulbs at the end of each match means that there are no squares made from the matches!
I like the way you count, but I don’t think they will give so much a trick on the bulbs of the matches. 😉
That was my first answer as well, but the outline does not exist in some versions now they actually say ignore the gaps between matches.
@8055d3dc5a03e31c1618a4da64e27dcc:disqus YES, gap between matchsticks should be ignored
I agree with Troy answer should be zero. Question is flawed you it should have stated to ignore the gaps.
And should we ignore your improper spelling as well?… yeah that’s what I thought… just like we know what you meant, we know what they mean.
ignore the gaps madafakars
Its not rocket science dude…. there just sticks
A square not only has 4 sides, but it also has 4 vertices. The matchsticks are not touching. So there are zero squares (or 1 square if you count the border of the image).
By your theory there is actually none not one so don’t try being too smart you might hurt yourself
Nice thinking Anon
Dude! Where’d u get ur def of a square? Go back to geometry class ot better yet just open a dictionary. There are right angles at all corners in this diagram. No one is using a micromillimeter measuring instrument:0