1.) How many triangles do you see this picture ?

how many triangles in this triangle
Answer with solution
Let’s say the smallest triangle side is 1 cms, then
Number of triangles with side 1cms: 10(1+2+3+4 upward facing) + 6(0+1+2+3 downward facing)
Number of triangles with side 2cms: 6(1+2+3 upward facing) + 1(downward facing)
Number of triangles with side 3cms: 3(upward facing)
Number of triangles with side 4cms: 1(upward facing)
Thus, the total number of triangles in above puzzle are 27.
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The answer is correct but the explanation is not. The number of triangles with 3 cm sides (upward facing) should be 3, not 1. The sum of the number of triangles detailed in the explanation is 25:
(10+6) + (6+1) + 1 + 1 = 25
Thanks !! Corrected it..