Number Puzzle #121
If 3/20=1/10+1/20
Then, 7/10=????
Trick is to make dividend as 1 in minimum possible additions.
so we should try to write 7/10 as 1/x + 1/y + 1/z …..
we can easily see that x = 5, y = 2 will be enough.
If 3/20=1/10+1/20
Then, 7/10=????
so we should try to write 7/10 as 1/x + 1/y + 1/z …..
we can easily see that x = 5, y = 2 will be enough.
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Ek adhmi ek minute may ek roti kaa saktha hai tho duss admai duss minute may kitne roti kaa sakthe hai?
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Solution: How many rotisHideif one person can eat 1 roti in 1 minute
then the same person can eat 10 roti’s in 10 minutes
thus, 10 persons can eat 10*10 roti’s in 10 minutes.
by Aneesh 7 Comments