9 word letter…
123 is a city name…
567 is a star name…
6789 is a god name…
what is the word?
9 word letter…
123 is a city name…
567 is a star name…
6789 is a god name…
what is the word?
BT Creation 13:
I’m a 10 letter word making people to write their names with spelling mistake.
7,6,9,8 An emblem
10,4,1 A currency
5,6,3,4 An European city which has 2.5k years of history
Who/what am I?
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BT Creation8:
I’m a 6 letter word
I can kill people
People can also travel on me
1,2,3,4 an animal
3,2,1,5 helps reducing friction
Who am I?
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BT Creation:
I’m a 9 letter word
It should be in control of government, but in India its not…
9,5,9,8 an Indian cheapest car
1,8,9 a Korean car
2,3,4,5,6,7 an Italian bike manufacturer.
What am I?
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1 car
1 girl
1 medicine
1 film
1 place
1 dog
1 mithai
1 city
all name is same
what is the name?
Guess the 8 letter word.
1. girls use it.
2. boys love it
3. parents hate it?
This question is a variant of this riddle.
It is a nine letter word. 1,2,3,4 is a shape.
3,4,5 is used to produce electricity.
4,5,6 is also related to electronics.
1,2 is an international body of many country.
3,4,5,6 means wet.
78 is a a conjunction.
6,7,8,9 is eaten plenty during festival.
Who am I ?
I am a 11 letter word.
My 8,9,1,11 letters represent the residence.
7,2,9,5 is the place where we can swim
1,4,5,11 is a unit of distance
10,9,3,6,5 is an international prize
2,9 letters are same
6,11 letters are same
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I am a 10 letters word.
The first four suggest power.
You eat my 5, 6, 7 and 8.
My 8, 9 and 10 represent a female.
I can also fly.
What am I?
It’s challenge,,
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