I’m an 8 letter word(12345678).
I’m very smart and can be dangerous.
My 78 is d name of an animal,
Farmers pray for my 2345,
u can keep stuffs in my 678,
my 45678 is d message u received.
ladies can’t do without my 123 and u can never be intelligent without my 12345.
What am I???
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Brainbox… easy to find.. but 1st letter only made some delay..
brainbox – finally able to solve the first puzzle..
“my 45678 is d message u received.”- was able to make this out.. and rest was so easy
78 – name of the animal – Ox
678 – U keep things – Box
45678 – Messages Received – Inbox
2345 – Farmers pray for it – Rain
123 – Ladies Cant do without it – Bra
12345 – U cant be intelligent without it – Brain
12345678 – Brainbox