WhatsApp – Guess Newspaper names
Guess the newspaper brand names from whatsapp emoticons or smileys puzzle
WhatsApp- Guess Phone Brand Names
Guess These phone brand names from whatsapp emoticons and smileys
WhatsApp – Guess the Toothpaste brand names puzzle
Guess Clothing and accessories brand names
Guess Clothing and accessories brand names from WhatsApp Emoticons and smileys
Guess the phone brands
Guess the phone brands from whatsapp emoticons and smileys

guess the phone brands from images
Guess the phone brands from whatsapp emoticons and smileys answers
- Nokia (No + Ki + Ya)
- htc (Hand + two + computer)
- Hutch
- Samsung (Sa + M + Song)
- Sony (So + No)
- iPhone (Eye + Phone)
- Blackberry (Black + Berry)
- Micromax (Mike + ro + ma + x)
- Lima (Li + Ma)