2, 7, 4, 5 => 100
4, 9, 8, 7 => 400
2, 7, 3, 6 => ?
Was this too easy for you? Try naming 100 cities pictured here in our Curiocities Quiz: CurioCities Quiz
A lady is found dead in the washroom, out of these 4, who you think have killed her and why ?
Relate the pictures (whatsapp emoticons) below:
DĀ š @ šµ šŖ sequence is the famous hollywood movie name
I am a type of mutation that doesn’t produce any negative effect on the body.
In fact the more severe this mutation is, the better it is for the human body.
Let the genius here answer.
If 10-2= 33
82-4= 43
then 76-45=?
If ,
Fine debacle card hero = He21v xh12z ti12r xs12v ,
Rural furious crux write =AB12I XE15F OX15I XM21F,
Fixt love dance port= BI12L XX12L DB12R TG15Z ,
Keep spirit high movie = ML12R KT12V OV18K BM15L
Let parcel arrive = ??