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how many max runs can be scored by a single player in cricket one day match puzzle
How many runs a single player can score in One day match (50 overs/ 300 balls)… No ‘no balls’, no wides, no extras, no over throws.
So how much runs he can score max?
Check your answer:-
Click here to See AnswersThus an opening batsman can score 5 six in continuous 5 balls and then go for 3 runs, these 3 runs on last ball will ensure that he changes the side so that will face the first ball of the next over.
thus in an over he can score maximum of 5*6 + 3 = 33 runs, so in 50 overs 50*33 = 1650runs.
However there is a catch, in last ball of the match, he need not go for 3 runs, he can hit six, thus maximum runs can be scored by a batsman in a one day cricket match can be 1653.
However here we have to also consider that after every over, the batsman will change his position. So theoretically, the no. of runs should be multiplied by 25 and not 50.
1653 is ok but what about hitting the helmet and scoring 5 runs off last ball of every over and changing strike also possible
that will not be counted as his runs
i want to know there is any limit run score on single delivery without 6 & 4 (by running he will take 1,2,3,4,5,6 ….. what is the rule) please comments
Lets be practical, else by that logic a plaer can make infinite runs in single ball, why only 5,6,7 or 8, why not 100 in one ball ?
lets be practical, no one can hit sixes every ball. think about it. hypothetically every thing is possible 🙂
who gives a shit
On an ideal scenario a person cannot run for a five (unless its an overthrow), so I guess the answer would be 1653 and not 1751…
Is there any rule which says Batsman can only run maximum 5 runs or 3 runs?
If batsman got duck out mnz? Wtf!!! 1st ball of the innings
Correct Answer is 1751
He will hit six on first 5 balls of every over and will take 5 runs on last ball to get the strike till 49th over. In last over he will hit 6 sixes.
Hi Frnd this is Antoniraj S
The correct answers is That would be 1653 runs. If he hits first 5 balls of an over for 5 sixes and scores 3 runs of the last ball( to retain strike)…and scores 6 sixes of the last over(as he doest need to retain strike now) , that would make a calculation like…
49*5*6+49*3+6*6 = 1653 runs
a single player can play more than 25 overs because he can take single in every last ball of the over and again he gets strike again in the next over…
(30+3)*49 + 36=1653
Ok, assuming he is changing strike on last ball. So for all 49 overs he takes a 3 to retain the strike. ie 33 * 49 overs + last over he hits 6 sixes so total is 1653 runs
Correct Answer is 1653
He will hit six on first 5 balls of every over and will take 3 runs on last ball to get the strike till 49th over. In last over he will hit 6 sixes. So he will face hit sixes on 251 balls =251×6=1506 and score 3 runs on 49 balls 49X3=147 So Total score is 1653
251*6+49*3 = 1653
No 900 is wrong.. suppose x and y are playing.. x is the opening bats man. He plays the first over. from the second over y plays the first ball nd gives the batting to x.. so like this x will face 6 balls in first nd from second over he will face 5 balls per over that means 251 balls. Nd if he takes six runs per ball his score will be 1506. My name is Niral Vipin Mehta.. Sudan
he can play 6 balls in the last over as well.. but still there are other ways he can make more runs
50*31 = 1550
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