horse donkey and camel were stolen, 3 suspects, find who stole what ?
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A horse, a donkey and a camel were stolen.
Three suspects: Robert, Scott and Tommy. All we know that each person stole one animal, but we do not know who stole which. Here are the investigation statements.
Robert: Tommy stole the horse.
Scott: Tommy stole the donkey.
Tommy: They both were lying. I did not steal the horse or the donkey.
Later on, police found out =>
The man who stole the camel told a lie.
The man who stole the horse told the truth.
Can you find out who stole which?
See Solution
Robert Stole Camel.
Scott stole Horse.
Tommy stole Donkey.
Here first and second statement are contradictory, both can be true together. Also both can not be false as well as it will mean Tommy stole camel and his statement will be true. But as we know the one who stole camel told a lie so it cant be.
From above we can say Tommy either stole a horse or a donkey.
Lets assume Tommy stole the horse, in this case Tommy’s statement will be false. But we know the one who stole the horse told the truth so this is contradicting and it cant be correct as well.
So We can say that Tommy stole the Donkey for sure.
As Tommy stole the donkey, Robert’s statement is false and Scott’s statement is true and camel and horse is stolen by these two. We also know that one who stole horse is true and one who stole camel is lying, we can deduce that Robert stole Camel and Scott stole Horse.
Start with the one with bigger statement Tommy. If Tommy steals camel then his statement is true. But police said camel thief is lying. So tommy didn’t steal camel. Now, say tommy stole horse, then his statement is false. But police said horse thief is telling truth. So tommy cannot steal either camel or horse. So tommy stole donkey.
Tummy -> donkey
Now Scott statement becomes true if Tommy stole donkey. As per police the truth teller has stolen horse, so
Scott – > horse
Robert remained with only one choice, that he stole camel. Police said camel thief is a liar, so that confirms Robert stole camel as his statement is also false and so proved.
Robert -> camel