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Flower math puzzle
What will be the value of Yellow flower + Red flower*Blue Flower?
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Answer With Explanation
Answer: 81
from first equation red flower = 20
from second equation blow flower = (30 – 20)/2 = 5
from third equation 5 – 2yelloflower = 3 => yello flower = (5-3)/2 = 1
Thus Yellow flower + Red flower*(Blue Flower with four petals)
yes thats the catch, blue flower with 4 petals should be of value 4
= 1 + 20 *4 = 81, remember BODMAS rule, multiplication first.
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1 + 20 x 4 (Flower has 4 petals)
1 + 80 = 81 (BODMAS Rule. Multiplication before addition)
Answer is 81:
1 + 20 + 4 [yellow flower is 1, Red Flower is 20 and Blue flower with 5 petals is 5, so in the question Blue flower is having 4 petals, so 4 is taken into consideration for the calculation] Hope it helps the viewer to understand the answer.