Guess these car companies from whatspp emoticons, smileys and symbols … [Continue reading]
Guess these car companies from whatspp emoticons, smileys and symbols … [Continue reading]
It is a nine letter word. 1,2,3,4 is a shape. 3,4,5 is used to produce electricity. 4,5,6 is also related to electronics. 1,2 is an international body of many country. 3,4,5,6 means wet. 78 is a a conjunction. 6,7,8,9 is eaten plenty … [Continue reading]
There are 7 people numbered as 1 to 7. The number denotes their height. Arrange them in a line in such a manner so that the line appears in alternative of their heights, I.e. one short then long, again short then long. The condition is that, if … [Continue reading]
100 people standing in a circle in an order 1 to 100. No.1 has a sword. He kills next person (i.e. no. 2) and gives sword to next to next (i.e no.3). All person does the same until only 1 survives. Which number survives at the last? … [Continue reading]
One Cock, One Hen and 5 chickens were crossing a road, Suddenly a truck comes, but they remain safe, one of the chicken says, Thank god, all eight of us are safe. How Eight ? … [Continue reading]
You are depositing Rs. 3 in First day and Rs. 3 in Second day in your account. And you are withdrawing Rs. 4 from your account in Third day. You do this repeatedly. When soon do you have Rs. 60? Check your answer:- … [Continue reading]
Guess movie name … [Continue reading]
For a TV (worth Rs. 50000), a showroom announced two discount schemes. First scheme is 65% discount. Second scheme is 'Ten times 10% discount on price over and over'. Which one do you choose and why? Check your answer:- … [Continue reading]
I am a 11 letter word. My 8,9,1,11 letters represent the residence. 7,2,9,5 is the place where we can swim 1,4,5,11 is a unit of distance 10,9,3,6,5 is an international prize 2,9 letters are same 6,11 letters are same … [Continue reading]
These things you see in the kitchen. Correct the spelling of these things: 1.recoko 2.nirednets 3.alcshaghu 4.sarj 5.xemir 6.asterot 7.icevrowem 8.himynec 9.tisnubd 10.awat 11.kiraha 12.skateb 13.pat 14.roluf 15.nisk By Rajshree … [Continue reading]