9 letter word – 123 is a city name
9 word letter…
123 is a city name…
567 is a star name…
6789 is a god name…
what is the word?
All in one name
1 car
1 girl
1 medicine
1 film
1 place
1 dog
1 mithai
1 city
all name is same
what is the name?
8 letter word – girls use it
Guess the 8 letter word.
1. girls use it.
2. boys love it
3. parents hate it?
This question is a variant of this riddle.
3,4,5 is used to produce electricity
It is a nine letter word. 1,2,3,4 is a shape.
3,4,5 is used to produce electricity.
4,5,6 is also related to electronics.
1,2 is an international body of many country.
3,4,5,6 means wet.
78 is a a conjunction.
6,7,8,9 is eaten plenty during festival.
Who am I ?
Fruit flower and sweet name
Tell me the
fruit flower n sweet name. One word for all three.
jiske liye ek hi word use ho.
Name the vegetable
Name the vegetable
it resembles a very precious thing
Sweet’s name on removing the last word
Girl’s name on removing first and last word.
What is it ?
Note: answer might be a word in Hindi