How Many Squares
How many Squares in this picture #2
You might want to try How many squares – Part 1 before you attempt these 3 puzzles.
1.) How many squares are in this picture ?
How many squares #6
How many squares are there in this picture?

how many squares puzzle
There are a total of 17 squares.
Let say smallest square is of side 1cms then
Number of squares with side 1cms: 6
Number of squares with side 2cms: 8
Number of squares with side 3cms: 2
Number of squares with side 4cms: 1
Thus, Total number of squares = 17
How many squares #5
how many squares are there in this image?

how many squares are there in this image
There are a total of 79 squares.
Lets assume smallest square side length is 0.5 cms, then
Number of squares with side 0.5 cms: 30
Number of squares with side 1 cms: 16+11
Number of squares with side 1.5 cms: 2 + 3 + 2
Number of squares with side 2 cms: 9 + 1
Number of squares with side 2.5 cms: 0
Number of squares with side 3 cms: 4
Number of squares with side 3.5 cms: 0
Number of squares with side 4 cms: 1
Thus total number of squares are: 79
How many squares #4
1.) How many squares do you see in this picture ?

how many squares do you see here
Answer with solution
As all the sides are either horizontal or vertical we can say squares diagonals should be parallel. Now to see if the diagonals are parallel or not, i have drawn the diagonals where its not clear if it is a square or rectangle in the image below.
You can see i have labelled few sides as x and y to help you.
Number of squares with side x/2 = 4
Number of squares with side x = 4
Number of squares with side y = 3
Number of squares with side x+y = 6
Number of squares with side x+y = 0
Number of squares with side x+2y = 1
Number of squares with side 2x+2y = 1
Thus, Total number of squares in above puzzle are 19.
How many squares? Part 3
1.) How many squares are in this picture ?
See AnswerThere are a total of 16 squares in above figure.
Lets Count..
5 black colored squares.
1 red colored square.
1 blue color square.
4 small green colored squares in middle.
5 large green colored squares.
Thus, a total of 5+1+1+4+5=16 squares.
2.) How many squares are in this picture ?
Four How many squares are there
See AnswerThere are total of 40 squares.
Let’s assume the smallest square side is 0.5cm in length.
Now count the squares with different length :-
0.5cm : 8
1cm : 16 +2(in the middle)
2cm : 9
3cm : 4
4cm : 1
Total : 40
Lets count…
Squares with side length equal to 1 matchstick: 9
Squares with side length equal to 2 matchsticks: 5(2+1+2)
Square with side length equal to 3 matchsticks: 1 (This is difficult to find, and easy to miss)
Square with side length equal to 4 matchsticks: 1 (Everybody knows)
So total number of squares : 16
This image(courtsey Charles on facebook) explains it all:-

How many squares matchstick solution