What is Twitter Card?
I recently came to know about twitter cards from my brother, As such twitter allows only 140 characters to tweet, but to compete with Facebook they have launched a feature called twitter cards. Basically after adding the specific twitter meta tags to your page, twitter will give an option to expand the post, after expanding the post, user will see photo, title, description with link to your site, for example visit this funnychutkule’s twitter page. This is a great feature from twitter to promote your website and in my point of view it is a must.
To know more about types of twitter cards please visits official twitter page
I have written a small Twitter card plugin to add the twitter meta tags to your website’s product page, Click here to visit official magento connect page of this twitter card plugin.
How to install Twitter card Magento plugin from puzzlersworld?
- Login to your magento admin panel.
- Go to System->Magento Connect->Magento Connect Manage.
- You need to login again with the same credentials as in first step.
- Paste this extension key http://connect20.magentocommerce.com/community/Pw_Twittercard under Install New Extensions section and click on install.
- Confirm the installation once again, after installation you have to set your twitter username.
How to set Twitter username OR how to configure Twitter card plugin
- Go to System->Configuration.
- Click on Catalog under CATALOG section in the left sidebar.
- Look for Pw_Twitter card on right side panel.
- Enter your website’s twitter username, include @ with the username for example, @funnuchutkule
- Your card will not start appearing on your twitter page immediately, you have to apply to twitter with your live page link, Click here to apply.
How to check if twitter card plugin is installed correctly?
- First of all clear your cache, if don’t know how to see here
- Then go to twiiter’s card preview page.
- Enter your product page url in Media Url box(for ex. http://www.shipmycard.com/butterfly-birthday-note.html)
- And click on Preview card button.
- You should see something like this :-
Note:-Currently i have implemented only summary card, but can add feature to add only photo on public demand