1.) How many triangles do you see in this picture ?

How many triangles do you see
There are a total of 84 triangles
Lets count…
Looking at the symmetry, we can divide this triangle in 4 equal parts(square) and we will first count the number of triangles in each part and then number of triangles formed by combining 2 or more parts together.
Number of triangles in one square: 8(non overlapping triangles) + 4(overlapping triangles with middle lines a part of the triangle) =12
Number of triangles by taking two squares at a time: 6(try a little harder, you will fidn these) * 4(there are four such combinations) = 24
Number of triangles by taking (only) three squares at a time: 1(all squares should be a part of the triangle) *4(four such combinations) = 4
Number of triangles by taking all squares together = 8