Tina & Meena are twins. One of them lies while the other is truthful. I asked one of them,
“Does Tina lie?” “Yes”, was the answer.
Did I speak to Tina or Meena?
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Who is the thief puzzle reloaded

horse donkey and camel were stolen, 3 suspects, find who stole what ?
If you have not tried its simpler version, try that first click here for Who is the thief puzzle part 1
A horse, a donkey and a camel were stolen.
Three suspects: Robert, Scott and Tommy. All we know that each person stole one animal, but we do not know who stole which. Here are the investigation statements.
Robert: Tommy stole the horse.
Scott: Tommy stole the donkey.
Tommy: They both were lying. I did not steal the horse or the donkey.
Later on, police found out =>
The man who stole the camel told a lie.
The man who stole the horse told the truth.
Can you find out who stole which?
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Prisoner and two doors puzzle

prisoner two doors with lady and tiger
A prisoner is faced with a decision where he must open one of two doors. Behind each door is either a lady or a tiger. They may be both tigers, both ladies or one of each.
If the prisoner opens a door to find a lady he will marry her and if he opens a door to find a tiger he will be eaten alive. Of course, the prisoner would prefer to be married than eaten alive :).
Each of the doors has a statement written on it. The statement on door one says, “In this room there is a lady, and in the other room there is a tiger.”
The statement on door two says, “In one of these rooms there is a lady, and in one of these rooms there is a tiger.”
The prisoner is informed that one of the statements is true and one is false.
Which door should the Prisoner open?
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Who did it ?
Three of these statements are false, so who did it?
- Mr Red: “Mr Blue did it.”
- Mr Blue: “Mr Red did it.”
- Mr Green: “Mr Blue’s telling the truth.”
- Mr Yellow: “Mr Green’s not lying.”
Who is the thief puzzle
There was a burglary in the Silver City jewelry store last Sunday.
Three suspects: Robert, Scott, and Tommy were caught and questioned.
Each person said, “One of the other two stole it. I did not do it.”
Later on the police found out that Tommy was lying and there was only one thief.
Can you guess who was the thief?
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3 doors, 2 goats and a car
Problem Statement
Suppose you’re on a game show, and you’re given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1.
Now the host, who knows what’s behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, “Do you want to switch and pick door No. 2?”
What should you do? Would you will with your current choice (door no. 1) or should you pick the door no. 2 ?
See Answer
Its not right, The best strategy to wins the car is to switch every time as from the below image, if you stay you win one in three times if you switch you win two in three times.
You might still be thinking that there are fifty-fifty chances of winning the game, that is right only when host did not know what was behind the 3rd door, as he knew it already your probability of winning the car will be more when you switch.
Reference: http://www.businessinsider.com/the-most-controversial-math-problems-2013-3#-2
Minimum wins to qualify for playoffs

minimum wins to qualify for playoffs
There are 9 team participating in Indian Premier League, every team will play two matches with every other team. Top 4 teams will be qualified for playoffs.
How many minimum wins required for a team to ensure a place in playoffs?
See SolutionCase 1: Lets say if Team A and B and C wins 14 matches each(they will loose 1 game each from other two teams), then team D can win only 16 – 3*2 = 10 matches.
Case 2: Lets take a case where Top 4 team wins 13 games each
Team A: wins 13 matches, looses 3 games from B,C and D
Team B: wins 13 matches, looses 3 games from A,C and D
Team C: wins 13 matches, looses 3 games from A,B and D
Team D wins 13 matches, looses 3 games from A, B and C
Now Team E, can only win maximum of 8 matches as it A,B,C and D will win all matches played by E.
Case 3: Lets say top 5 teams wins 12 matches each
Team A: wins 12 matches, looses 3 games from B, C, D and E
Team B: wins 12 matches, looses 3 games from A, C, D and E
Team C: wins 12 matches, looses 3 games from A, B, D and E
Team D wins 12 matches, looses 3 games from A, B , C and E
Team E wins 12 matches, looses 4 games from A, B, C and D
In this case, team E though wins 12 matches but still don’t qualify for playoffs(assuming lowest run rate).
Thus from case 2 we can say that a team has to win at least 13 matches to ensure a place in playoffs.
10 prisoners and hats puzzle
Their are 10 prisoners in a jail for a minor crime, they all request the jail officer to set them free, jail officer agrees to release them tomorrow, saying i will
- Make you all stand in a queue in ascending order of your heights(smallest first).
- You will not be allowed to turn your head(they have to look straight)
- I will put one hat on your head, either BLACK or WHITE in color.
- Everyone of you has to tell the color of his hat starting from the tallest prisoner, you can only say BLACK or WHITE.
- You all will be released, if and only if at least 9 of you guess your hat’s color correctly.
Can you suggest a strategy to the prisoners to maximize the chances of their release?

10 prisoners and hats puzzle
Rectangular cake puzzle

rectangle cake
Given a rectangular cake with a rectangular piece removed(of any size and orientation) how can you cut the rectangle in two equal parts with one straight line cut of a knife.
Note:- The cut is of any size and any orientation, it means the removed piece can be one of the layer of the cake.
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How to measure 4 gallon of water
How to measure exactly 4 gallon of water from 3 gallon and 5 gallon jars, Given, you have unlimited water supply from a running tap.
It was also solved by Bruce Willis in one of his Die Hard movie to stop a bomb.
See Solution: How to measure 4 gallon water from 3 gallon and 5 gallon jarSolution 1:
- Fill 3 gallon jar with water.
- Pour all its water into 5 gallon jar.
- Fill 3 gallon jar again.
- Pour its water into 5 gallon jar untill it is full. Now you will have exactly 1 gallon water remaining in 3 gallon jar.
- Empty 5 gallon jar, pour 1 gallon water from 3 gallon jar into it. Now 5 gallon jar has exactly 1 gallon of water.
- Fill 3 gallon jar again and pour all its water into 5 gallon jar, thus 5 gallon jar will have exactly 4 gallon of water.
Solution 2:
- Fill 5 gallon jar.
- Pour all its water to 3 gallon jar, thus leaving exactly 2 gallon water in 5 gallon jar.
- Empty 3 gallon jar and pour all of 5 gallon jar water into it, thus now 3 gallon jar will have exactly 2 gallon of water.
- Fill 5 gallon jar again and pour its water to 3 gallon jar until that is full. So exactly 4 gallon water will remain in 5 gallon jar.
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