number Puzzle #71
How will u divide 1000 one Rs. Coins in ten bag so that u can give any amount between 1-1000 by just giving the bags without changing the no of coins in each bag.
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How will u divide 1000 one Rs. Coins in ten bag so that u can give any amount between 1-1000 by just giving the bags without changing the no of coins in each bag.
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A man worked at a high security institution. The man tried to log into his computer and the computer denied the password. He then remembered that the passwords to the computers were reset every month for security reasons. He called his boss for his new password.
The man said, “Boss, my old password is out of date.”
The boss said, “Yes, it is. The new password is different, but if you listen closely you will be able to figure out the new one. Your new password has the same amount of letters as the old one, and four of the letters are the same.”
The man then logged into his computer with no trouble.
1. What was the new password?
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What is the number of parking space containing the car ?
You might want to try How many squares – Part 1 before you attempt these 3 puzzles.
horse donkey and camel were stolen, 3 suspects, find who stole what ?
If you have not tried its simpler version, try that first click here for Who is the thief puzzle part 1
A horse, a donkey and a camel were stolen.
Three suspects: Robert, Scott and Tommy. All we know that each person stole one animal, but we do not know who stole which. Here are the investigation statements.
Robert: Tommy stole the horse.
Scott: Tommy stole the donkey.
Tommy: They both were lying. I did not steal the horse or the donkey.
Later on, police found out =>
The man who stole the camel told a lie.
The man who stole the horse told the truth.
Can you find out who stole which?
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Suppose you’re on a game show, and you’re given the choice of three doors: Behind one door is a car; behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say No. 1.
Now the host, who knows what’s behind the doors, opens another door, say No. 3, which has a goat. He then says to you, “Do you want to switch and pick door No. 2?”
What should you do? Would you will with your current choice (door no. 1) or should you pick the door no. 2 ?
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You might still be thinking that there are fifty-fifty chances of winning the game, that is right only when host did not know what was behind the 3rd door, as he knew it already your probability of winning the car will be more when you switch.
shopkeeper and duplicate note
A very simple but confusing puzzle.
A lady buys goods worth Rs.200 from a shop. (shopkeeper is selling the goods with zero profit). The lady gives him Rs.1000 note. The shopkeeper gets the change from the next shop and keeps Rs.200 for himself and returns Rs.800 to the lady. Later the shopkeeper of the next shop comes with the Rs.1000 note saying “duplicate” and takes his money back.
How much LOSS did the shopkeeper face?
Check your answer:-
The answer is Rs.1000
To get the loss of shopkeeper we can get the profit lady and the other shopkeeper.
Loss of first shopkeeper = (Profit of the lady + Profit of the second shopkeeper)
Profit of the lady = Rs.200(for goods) + Rs.800(for the change she received) = Rs.1000
Profit of the second shopkeeper = Rs.0(as he got his money back)
So the loss of the shopkeeper is = 1000 + 0 = Rs.1000
Second way of looking at is what shopkeeper gave to others and what is took from others
Loss of the shopkeeper = What he gave to others - what he took.
What he took
From Lady: Nothing(as the note was a duplicate one)
From Second Shopkeeper: Rs.1000
What he gave
To Lady:- Rs.200(goods) + Rs.800(change)
To second shopkeeper: Rs. 1000
So the loss = (200 + 800 + 1000) – (1000) = Rs.1000
inverted cards puzzle
One fine day, Santa and banta were playing cards, but suddenly power went off and they were getting bored. So santa randomly inverted position of 10 cards out of 52 cards(and shuffled it) and asked banta to divide the card in two pile with equal number of inverted cards(number of cards in each pile need not be equal). It was very dark in the room and banta could not see the cards, after thinking a bit banta divided the cards in two piles and quite surprisingly on counting number of inverted cards in both the piles were equal.
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rectangle cake
Given a rectangular cake with a rectangular piece removed(of any size and orientation) how can you cut the rectangle in two equal parts with one straight line cut of a knife.
Note:- The cut is of any size and any orientation, it means the removed piece can be one of the layer of the cake.
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